According the National Domestic Violence Hotline it takes an average seven attempts for a person to leave an abusive relationship.

Abusive relationships are extremely complex situations and it takes a lot of courage to leave.
Leaving is often the most dangerous period of time for survivors of abuse.

Some common reasons for staying in or returning to an abusive relationship include: 
  • Fear: A person will likely be afraid of the consequences if they decide to leave their relationship, either out of fear of their partner’s actions or concern over their own ability to be independent.
  • Normalised Abuse: If someone grew up in an environment where abuse was common, they may not know what healthy relationships look like.
  • Shame: It can be difficult for someone to admit that they’ve been or are being abused. They may feel that they’ve done something wrong, that they deserve the abuse, or that experiencing abuse is a sign of weakness. 
  • Intimidation and Threats of Spreading Personal Information: A survivor may be intimidated into staying in a relationship by verbal or physical threats, or threats to spread information, including secrets or confidential details (i.e. revenge porn etc). For LGBTQUIA+ people who haven’t come out yet, threats to out someone may be an opportunity for abusive partners to exert control.
  • Low Self-esteem: After experiencing verbal abuse or blame for physical abuse, it can be easy for survivors to believe those sentiments and believe that they’re at fault for their partner’s abusive behaviours.
  • Lack of Resources: Survivors may be financially dependent on their abusive partner or have previously been denied opportunities to work, a place to sleep on their own, language assistance, or a network to turn to during moments of crisis. These factors can make it seem impossible for someone to leave an abusive situation.
  •  Disability: If someone depends on other people for physical support, they may feel that their well-being is directly tied to their relationship; a lack of visible alternatives for support can heavily influence someone’s decision to stay in an abusive relationship if they have a disability. 
  • Children: Many survivors may feel guilty or responsible for disrupting their familial unit. Keeping the family together may not only be something that a survivor may value, but may also be used as a tactic by their partner used to guilt a survivor into staying.
  • Love: Experiencing abuse and feeling genuine care for a partner who is causing harm are not mutually exclusive. Survivors often still have strong, intimate feelings for their abusive partner. They may have children together, want to maintain their family, or the person abusing them may simply be charming (especially at the beginning of a relationship) and the survivor may hope that their partner will return to being that person.

No matter the reason, leaving any relationship can be difficult; doing so in an abusive situation can feel impossible without the right access to support.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened