We understand that sometimes people feel more comfortable accessing services which specialise in supporting those from particular communities, cultures, or require certain adjustments in order to support their own personal needs.

Please don't feel limited by the services listed below, and if you feel that you cannot find a support service that is applicable to you- either disclose using the Report with Details tool, or use the Talk To Us tool, and the Report and Support team will be happy to search for additional services. 

Where to start, and how to ask for help:Asking for help is never easy. Endless lists of services and resources are only useful if you can gain the courage to access these services. Hopefully some of the resources below can help you to do this.Mind: Where to StartMind: Facing and Overcoming BarriersMind: Making Sense of your OptionsMind: Talking to Friends and FamilyMind: What Should I say to my GP?Mind: What might happened when I speak to my Doctor?Internal Support Services: 

  • Disability Services: are part of Wellbeing Support Services at the University of Warwick. We encourage existing students and applicants to declare any disability or learning difference and contact us in advance to discuss their support requirements to enable us to make reasonable adjustments for the duration of their studies. 
  • Wellbeing Support Services: the University’s dedicated wellbeing services can support you with practical and emotional issues impacting your wellbeing or mental health and aspects of University life, including referrals for counselling and psychology support. 
  • University of Warwick Health Centre: are a University practice situated in the heart of the campus serving the Students who live on campus or within the catchment area and Staff (including their family) who live on campus. 
  • Warwick Students’ Union Advice Centre: is the SU's Advice Centre with expert staff who can provide support, advocacy and advice to students even if they do not wish to report. 
  •  Togetherall: both students and staff can access the online community, which supports populations with their mental health and wellbeing – helping with feels of anxiety, depression, isolation and stress, to relationship problems and lifestyle challenges. Togetherall have a network of trained professionals providing 24/7 support around the world. 
  • EAP: is a confidential support service designed to help University of Warwick staff deal with personal and professional problems that could be affecting your home life or work life, health and general wellbeing. Health Assured offers cover for you and (in certain circumstances) your immediate family members, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 
  • The University's Multi-Faith Chaplaincy:  who are there for everyone: staff and students of all faiths and none. 
  • University Disability Policy for Staff and Students
  • Information for Students' Parents
  • Self-help Resources

External Support Services: Mental health crisis helplines:

If you're in crisis and need to talk right now, there are many helplines staffed by trained people ready to listen. They won't judge you, and could help you make sense of what you're feeling. 

Mental Health Charities: 

  • Anxiety UK: Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition. 
  • Bipolar UK: A charity helping people living with manic depression or bipolar disorder. 
  • Men's Health Forum: 24/7 stress support for men by text, chat and email.
  • Mental Health Foundation: Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.
  • Mind: Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
  • No Panic: Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to help overcome your phobia or OCD.
  • OCD Action: Support for people with OCD. Includes information on treatment and online resources.
  • Rethink Mental Illness: Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
  • Cruse Bereavement Care: Support for those struggling with bereavement.
  • SMART Recovery UK: SMART Recovery UK face-to-face and online groups help people decide whether they have a problem with alcohol and drugs, build up their motivation to change, and offer a set of proven tools and techniques to support recovery.
  • Beat: The UK's national eating disorder charity.
  • Mencap: Charity working with people with a learning disability, their families and carers.

BAME Specialist Mental Health Services

  • Black Thrive: an organisation that aims to end the stigma associated with mental health and address mental health inequalities experienced by Black communities.
  • CIO: a group of individuals who are seeking to setup a network of information and service centres to help assist UK Indians gain access to help and support concerning mental health. 
  • Jami UK: Jami is the specialist provider of mental health services in the Jewish community.
  • Muslim Community Helpline: a national organisation providing listening and emotional support service for members of the Muslim community in the UK. 
  • Sharing Voices: a charity in Bradford that aims to reduce mental health and related inequalities for BAME communities.
  • Sikh Your Mind: aims to increase awareness of mental health difficulties in the Sikh community.
  • The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network: are the UK’s largest independent organisation to specialise in working psychologically, informed by an understanding of intersectionality, with people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean.  

LGBTUA+ Specialist Mental Health Services: 

  • Antidote: a service that offers information and support exclusively to LGBT+ people around drugs, alcohol and addiction.
  • Birmingham LBGT Centre:  voluntary organisation providing advice and support to LGBT+ people in Birmingham. Offers counselling, well-being services and wide range of support groups. 
  • LGBT Health and Wellbeing: are a unique community initiative that promotes the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Scotland.
  • MindOut: a mental health service for LGBT+ people which provides advice, information, advocacy, peer support groups, mentoring and wellbeing events. 
  • Pink Therapy: has a directory listing qualified therapists throughout the UK who work with the LGBT+ community from a positive stance. 
  • Switchboard: A one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, email and instant messaging service. 

 Multi-Faith Specialist Mental Health Services:

  • Being Alongside: a national Christian-based voluntary association that recognises the importance of spiritual values and support in mental health. 
  • Jami UK: Jami is the specialist provider of mental health services in the Jewish community.
  • Mental Health 4 Muslims:  is an American website that give information about mental health issues that are both clinically supported and helpful for Islamic people. 
  • Muslim Community Helpline: a national organisation providing listening and emotional support service for members of the Muslim community in the UK. 
  • Sikh Your Mind: aims to increase awareness of mental health difficulties in the Sikh community.
  • Spiritual Crisis Network: recognise the link between mental health and spirituality for some people and have support groups across the country. 

Helping someone else seek help/ supporting othersIt can be hard to know what to do when supporting someone with a mental health problem. Mind's information is aimed at helping friends, family, carers and others to give support and take care of themselves too.

Mind: Helping someone else seek helpMind: Helping Someone Else

Disability and Mental Health Warwick CommunitiesSocieties and staff networks are not support services. However, they do provide a space for people to come together and form supportive communities. 

  • Warwick Enable: the disability liberation and campaigning society on campus. Warwick Enable are for disabled students, their friends, allies and carers or enablers – we welcome anyone who is passionate about disability and inclusivity. Membership is free to all. 
  • Disabled Staff Network: the Disabled Staff Network is open to all staff members with an interest in making the University a more accessible place for all. It welcomes any member of staff with an interest in creating a more inclusive environment whether or not they have a disability themselves. 

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