Report and Support’s specially trained team of Liaison Officers are entirely reporter-led. This means that no one who discloses via Report and Support will be forced to submit a formal complaint to student discipline or HR, nor have to report their experience to the police.  
Formal action can only be taken by the University of Warwick if the reporter chooses to submit a formal complaint and the case is found proven. 1:1 support by a Liaison Officer is available to reporters if they do choose to submit a formal complaint.  
Contrary to popular belief, sanctions are put in place against those who are formally reported and found proven of misconduct. The number of sanctions imposed each year are publicly available in the Report and Support Annual Report, and include but aren’t limited to expulsion, temporary withdrawal, bans from campus and graduation all the way through to fines, depending on what misconduct the individual has been found proven of enacting.  
Informal resolutions such as mediation and awareness training sessions for societies, sports clubs or departments are also available as a different form of resolution if the reporter prefers these options. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened