If you're on this page, then you're probably passionate about ensuring that the University of Warwick is a safe and supportive environment for everyone; students, staff and visitors alike.

At Warwick we do not tolerate harassment in any form and the Report and Support Team are equally passionate about preventing misconduct from taking place, as we are about supporting individuals who are unfortunately affected by it.

As Warwick's Guiding Principles suggest 'We Means All Of Us', which means that in order to eliminate all forms of harassment from the Warwick community, it will take a collective effort. If your sports club, society, department or group would like to contribute to this effort then please follow the instructions below, to ensure that you are Report and Support Ready. 

Step OneIf you are part of a sports club or society, it has been agreed in collaboration with the Students' Union, that all exec members of a society/club must watch the following training in full, accessible HERE.

You may be asked to make an account in order to access the videos, this varies per user. 


  • All of the core videos: Mythbusting Common Misconceptions, Supporting Survivors, What is Report and Support, Consent 101, Discrimination 101 and Who and What is Report and Support For? 

All Exec must watch the videos in order to complete the training in full, regardless of whether they have watched the videos in a previous year. 

If you are part of a Department or Student Group - please get in touch at reportandsupport@warwick.ac.uk to discuss how many individuals you feel appropriate to complete the training. 

Step TwoOnce every exec member in your sports club/ society have completed the training (we will verify this), one representative from your exec should complete the following Submission Form.

The Report and Support Team will endeavour to respond to you within 5 University Working Days. 

Step ThreeYou're Report and Support Ready! Once the team have verified that you have completed the necessary training, we will email several social media graphics that you can use to promote your awareness of Report and Support, and your club's/society's efforts to stamp out harassment at the University of Warwick.

Please use these assets respectfully, and remember that if you're in any doubt of what content should accompany these promotional materials, you can always contact us at reportandsupport@warwick.ac.uk

The Sports and Societies Officers will be made aware of who is Report and Support Ready on a Termly Basis. 

Go The Extra Mile

  • If you're ever running an event, social or charity event related to eliminating or raising awareness around any form of harassment, please reach out to the Report and Support Team for promotional materials. We have several cards, posters, lanyards and pull up banners available if you'd like to use them for an event.  
  • If you would like the team to run a bespoke training session for your sports club or society- we will need to know at least 4 weeks in advance, particularly if this will be a live or in person event. Please complete the following interest form. 
  • If you would like the members of your club to increase their understanding of consent. There are several educational resources available to Warwick students and staff: 

Well done to the following clubs and societies who are now Report + Support Ready for 2024/25!

  • Mixed Netball
  • Swimming and Water Polo
  • Women's Hockey
  • Warwick Climbing Club
  • Ultimate Frisbee
  • Warwick Medical Society
  • Warwick University Fencing Club
  • Warwick Devils Dance and Cheer
  • Mixed Hockey
  • Astronomy Society
  • Women's Cricket
  • Warwick Trampolining
  • Bad Film Society
  • Men's Hockey 
  • Classical and Modern Dance
  • Brass Society
  • Autism at Warwick
  • Fencing
  • Warwick Welsh Society
  • Taekwondo
  • Warwick Korfball
  • Women's Football and Futsal Club


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